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My Mom Bus cover Capture.PNG A picture of the book, My Mom Wants This, but I Want That: High School Guide for Students

10 Ways to Use My Mom Wants This, but I Want That


  • Students can independently start in any grade (6-12) by reading the manual and completing the workbook 

  • Mental health therapists can use it to keep their student clients on track who are already struggling with issues that can prevent them from having a successful high school experience.

  • School counselors and other educators can use the manual as a resource tool. 

  • When administrators identify students for RTI, use the manual and workbook as a post-secondary planning curriculum 

  • Student detention or in-school suspension? Let students work through select chapters in the guide. 

  • Homeroom teachers support students with postsecondary planning. 

  • District-level attendance officers can implement this guide to support high school students at risk of not graduating. 

  • Parents can use the timelines to keep their students on track 

  • Club/Athletic sponsors use it to keep students focused 

  • You can show appreciation for educators, parents, and students, give the resources that can enhance learning

No student, educator, or parent of students in grades 6-12 should be without "My Mom Wants This, but I Want That...", written by a veteran public school counselor.


This book is a valuable reference tool. It is a compilation of blogs, resource lists, short stories, essays, emails, and how-to sections—everything needed to aid students in their high school to post-secondary journey.


The topics range from advice on postsecondary planning, emergency timelines, understanding how scholarships work, the truth about letters of recommendation, consideration for student-athletes, types of careers, career interest inventories, resources, post-secondary planning terms every high school student should know, jobs in the medical field, jobs in Engineering and STEM, liberal arts, gap years, graduating early, student-parent scenarios, and so much more!

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