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Rising South Literacy School jumpstarted my career" ~Antonio Woodruff (Tyler Perry actor)

At a fundraiser for Rising South Literacy School, coordinated by Dr. Dedra Muhammad, I had an opportunity to meet Chuck D. and thank him for being a revolutionary voice in the struggle for social justice and human liberation. How cool is that! ~Dr. Perry

The (Aspiring Writers/Publishers Workshop) information presented this evening was valuable to anyone who has written, begun to write, or just merely considered writing or publishing a book. The information was an overview of what a writer encounters. 👏 -Cornelia Carter -Pontiac, Michigan

I like that your entire (Aspiring Writers/Publishers Workshop) class was structured around answering questions that we had! You started the meeting on time. You got straight to the point while being very kind and courteous. And your answers were very helpful! I’m excited about the services you offer and feel confident in moving forward with you for my projects! -LaReesha Jimenez -Texas

Dedra Muhammad's Free (Aspiring Writers/Publishers Workshop) presentation was efficient, informative, and inspirational. I highly recommend this service to anyone thinking about writing or publishing a book. Felecia Tyson Waters -Pontiac, Michigan

I loved the Free (Aspiring Writers/Publishers Workshop). You gave information that I believe can be utilized by both an aspiring novice and experienced writer. Not only did you offer step by step basics of getting a publication to market, but you generously uncovered the pitfalls and scams that we must look out for once we are ready to put our printed books, ebooks, and audio books out into the marketplace. One of the greatest takeaways, in my opinion, was when you gave the directive to just: “Start writing! Get your thoughts out of your head onto paper!”

Dr. Dedra Muhammad presented a very clear and concise overview of book writing. Her free (Aspiring Writers/Publishers Workshop) service provided each of the viewers with a step by step, beginning to end, process of book publishing. I would highly recommend her services! -Cassandra Muhammad -Atlanta, Georgia

The (Aspiring Writers/Publishers Workshop) was phenomenal! The question and answer addressed all my questions with practical, realistic advice. My favorite part were the writing samples showing basic writing versus descriptive writing. I also like the charts showing pros and cons. It allowed me to make the decision that best suites my needs instead of only showing 1 option. It also gave me new ideas I had not thought of. I'm extremely glad I attended! Thank you so much! -Saasah Jones, Columbia, Georgia

SALUTE/ thank you and Rising South Literacy for continuing to uplift the community and our youth! I was honored to meet one of my true heroes! #ChuckD  Public Enemy ~ Marcus Sims

I’d like to give a heartfelt commendation to the leader of Rising South Literacy School, Dr. Dedra Muhammad. Her efforts in our community have been far reaching and long lasting. Since 2009 I’ve had the blessing of being a part of the movement she started to inform, ignite, empower and enthuse our people. Dedra, you have done more for me in a positive way than most others outside of my own family and I am eternally grateful for your instruction, insight and patience throughout these many years. God bless you, your husband and the entire family. Thank you “Deeg” ~Eric Echoes

Dr. Muhammad was very thorough with her (Aspiring Writers/Publishers Workshop) class presentation. I received some valuable information. She took her time as she presented while graciously opening up for questions as often as she felt the need arising. She answered any, and every question that was posed. I especially, truly appreciated her going back over anything that was not that needed a little more detail, or that was missed. Thank you so very much for taking the time to give us part of your mind and your expertise. I am ready to begin. Thank you for giving me the confidence to know that I am in good hands with this information you have just shared with me. Thank you for making me feel comfortable enough to come back and ask a question. I look forward to your masterclass just to pic some more of your magnificent brain. Thank you 🙏🏾 so very much -She'Lon Muhammad, Chicago, Illinois

Yes, sister Dedra Muhammad, did a great job with her free (Aspiring Writers/Publishers Workshop) service and information. Most importantly, her information is inspirational, encouraging and spiritual. Howard Bankhead, Huntsville, Alabama

I first would like to give thanks to Allah who guided me to the knowledge of this (Aspiring Writers/Publishers Workshop) Fantastic Writing Workshop via Facebook. This summer I have been in constant prayer and communication with Allah asking for His Divine guidance and direction as I seek to fulfill His purpose for the life He blessed me with. With that being said, I believe Allah spoke directly into my Mind, Heart, and Soul about how to begin my journey of creating stories that will help to heal me and lift the spirits of others. Over the years, I have read through various books and other sources aimed at developing aspiring writers. Nevertheless, this workshop has motivated me to begin Writing because the information was presented from the spirit of God and I felt the love of God resonating from Sister Dedra’s heart to help develop writers that may be used to fulfill the Will of Allah!! Maqueda Muhammad, Mobile, Alabama

Mr. Chuck D., front man for Public Enemy came to our community and addressed over 350 middle school through college students about the deadly consequences of poor decision making that leads to gun violence. As such, seeds have been planted to aid in the counter war against violence.  Learn More

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